ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება

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1 კავკასიის უნივერსიტეტი კავკასიის სამართლის სკოლა სტუდენტთა სამეცნიერო საზოგადოება ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება გამოცემა I ოქტომბერი, 2010 თბილისი, საქართველო 1

2 Caucasus University Caucasus School Of Law Students Scientific Society CSL JOURNAL OF LEGAL DEVELOPMENT VOLUME I October, 2010 Tbilisi Georgia 2

3 ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება კავკასიის სამართლის სკოლის სტუდენტთა სამეცნიერო საზოგადოება, 2010 წელი სარედაქციო კოლეგია: მთავარი რედაქტორი: სრული პროფესორი ზვიად როგავა რედაქტორები: ნინო ნიკოლაიშვილი, სტუდენტთა სამეცნიერო საბჭოს თავმჯდომარე ანა კოსტავა, სტუდენტთა სამეცნიერო საბჭოს წევრი თამარ ხარაზიშვილი, სტუდენტთა სამეცნიერო საბჭოს წევრი გიორგი თინიკაშვილი, სტუდენტთა სამეცნიერო საბჭოს წევრი Caucasus School of Law Students Scientific Society, 2010 Editorial board: Chief Editor: Zviad Rogava, Ph.D Editors: Nino Nikolaishvili, Head of Students Scientific Society Ana Kostava, Member of Students Scientific Society Tamar Kharazishvili, Member of Students Scientific Society George Tinikashvili, Member of Students Scientific Society 3

4 sarcevi TviTgamorkvevis ufleba da afxazetisa da samxret osetis samartlebrivi perspeqtivebi. 5 avtori: ana kostava sasjelis miznebi da mati arsrulebis meqanizmi sisxlis samartalsi avtori: baqar falavandisvili trefikingi XXI saukunis aqtualuri problema avtori: nino nikolaisvili informaciis Tavisufleba da sajaro informaciis gacemis uzrunvelyofis gzebi avtori: Tamar xarazisvili `sakutrebis SeZena da dakargva uzrav da mozrav nivtebze; sakutrebis SeZenis saxeebi~. 144 avtori: eka kikaze sakutrebis ufleba da misi SezRudvis farglebi saqartvelos kanonmdeblobasa da adamianis uflebata evropuli konvenciis mixedvit avtori: giorgi mwedlisvili Table of Contents The self-determination principle and legal prospects of Abkhazia and South Ossetia Author: Ana Kostava The Aims of the Penalty in Criminal Law and their Enforcement Mechanism Author: Baqar Phalavandishvili TRAFFICKING 21 st century actual problem Author: Nino Nikolaishvili Freedom of information and the ways of improving the accessibility to public information Author: Tamar Kharazishvili Purchasing and loosing the property on movable and immovable things Author: Eka Kikadze Right of Property and the Scales of its Limitation according to Georgian Legislation and the European Convention of Human Rights Author: Giorgi Mchedlishvili 4

5 ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება TviTgamorkvevis ufleba da afxazetisa da samxret osetis samartlebrivi perspeqtivebi avtori: ana kostava Sesavali saertasoriso samartalsi moqmedi, mravali xelsekrulebit gamyarebuli, da jus cogens normad qceuli xalxta TiTgamorkvevis principi ert-ertia meore msoflio omis Semdgom ariarebul ZiriTad principta Soris. Aam principis mesveobit, e.w dekolonizaciis processi, 1945 wlidana1965 wlamde 56 axali suverenuli saxelmwifo Camoyalibda 1. dekolonizaciis periodis dasrulebis Semdeg TviTgamorkvevis principi gaxda separatistta mtavari argumenti, da mat Soris afxaz da os separatistta sayrdenic, radgan arsebobs mosazreba, rom TviTgamorkvevis uflebis axali inrepretacia gulisxmobs gamoyofis uflebas. rusetis federaciam, swored TviTgamorkvevis uflebaze dayrdnobit daasabuta 2008 wlis agvistosi am regionebis ariareba. 2 A 1918 wels, amerikis SeerTebuli Statebis saxelmwifo mdivani, robert lansingi TviTgamorkvevis principis Sesaxeb ambobda, rom es fraza, ubralod dinamititaa datvirtuli. is arzravs imedebs, romlebic verasdros ganxorcieldeba. Mme vsisob rom is atasobit sicocxlis fasad dajdeba 3 gamomdinare faqtidan, rom isviatia erterovani saxelmwifoebi, da TiTqmis yvela mravalerovan saxelmwifosi arseboben etnikuri umciresobebi, an e.w adgilobrivi, mkvidri erebi, TviTgamorkvevis principis dapirispireba saxelmwifo suverenitettan da teritoriul mtliaobastan gamwvavda. SeiaraRebuli konfliqtebis rigma gamoavlina, rom am principtan dakavsirebuli ZiriTadi 1 saqartvelo da saertasoriso samartali, statiata krebuli, levan mataraze Tanasworuflebianobisa da TviTgamorkvevis uflebis Sesaxeb gv.20 2 Recent Development: The Exceptions That Disprove the Rule? The Impact of Abkhazia and South Ossetia on Exceptions to the Sovereignty Principle. By Gregory Dubinsky ; Winter, 2009; 34 Yale J. Int'l L National Self-determination Adam Roberts, Balliol; 5

6 CSL JOURNAL OF LEGAL DEVELOPMENT sakitxebi arasakmarisad aris damusavebuli saertasoriso samartalsi. 4 am Temis mizania, ganixilos TviTgamorkvevis ufleba saertasoriso samartalsi saertod da im WrilSi, rom igi SeiZleba iyos afxazetisa da osetis mtavari samartlebrivi argumenti da perpeqtiva. amisatvis TemaSi arwerilia TviTgamorkvevis uflebis da saxelmwifo suverenitetis dapirispirebis aspeqtebi, nacvenebia, Tu ratom ar gulisxmobs TviTgamorkvevis ufleba secesiis uflebas. da Tu ratom ar SeiZleba am konkretul SemTxvevaSi TviTgamorkvevis uflebis gamoyeneba gamoyofis samartlebriv argumentad. 1. mokle istoriuli eqskursi 1.1. afxazeti 1991 wlis 31 martis referendumis safuzvelze saqartvelo demokratiul, damoukidebel respublikad gamocxadda. damoukideblobis gamocxadebam da rusetisgan gandgomam xeli Seuwyo separatistuli mimdinareobebis gaaqtiurebas wlis 23 ivliss afxazetis uzenaesi sabwos sxdomam 1925 wlis konstitucia aradgina da afxazeti damoukidebel respublikad gamoacxada wlis 14 agvistos, usedego diplomatiuri molaparakebis Sedegad, gadawyda konfliqtis Zalismieri metodebit mogvareba. formalurad, satransporto magistralis dacvis miznit afxazetsi qartvelta sajariso danayofebi Sevidnen. amierkavkasiis konfederacia (CeCnebi, kazakebi, somxebi, yabardo-balyarelebi, osebi) mtlianad Caeba omsi afxazta dasaxmareblad. rusetidan modioda finansuri, teqnikuri da informaciuli daxmareba wlis 27 seqtembers Tavdamsxmelebma soxumi aires. qartvelebi damarcxdnen da mteli afxazeti daikarga. 5 cecxlis Sewyvetis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebis Sedegad, regionsi samsvidobo Zalebis Semadgenloba dst-s, umetesad ki rusetis kontigentisgan Sedgeboda wels gaeros usisroebis sabwos 4 saqartvelo da saertasoriso samartali, statiata krebuli, levan mataraze Tanasworuflebianobisa da TviTgamorkvevis uflebis Sesaxeb gv.10 5 saqartvelo da saertasoriso smartali, statiata krebuli, Tb Agreement on a Cease-Fire and Separation of Forces, Geor.-Abkhazia, May 14, 1994, reprinted in U.N. SCOR, Letter Dated 17 May 1994 from the Permanent Representative of Georgia to the United Nations Addressed to the 6

7 ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება rezoluciis 858 (1993) safuzvelze Camoyalibda gaeros damkvirvebelta misia, e.w UNOMIG, romelsac mxareebs Soris cecxlis Sewyvetis SeTanxmebis monitoringi daevala wels afxazetis umarlesma sabwom miiro konstitucia, romlitac, TviTgamorkvevis uflebis safuzvelze, afxazeti damoukidebel respublikad gamoacxada Sida qartli rac Seexeba cxinvalis regions, samxret osetis avtonomiurma olqma 1989 wlis 10 noembers moitxova saqartvelos ssr umarles sabwos avtonomiuri respublikis statusi. am Txovnaze uartan ertad umarlesma sabwom miiro kanoni, romlitac aikrzala regionaluri partiebi. es ariqves rogorc olqis popularuli frontis winaarmdeg mimartuli qmedeba da 1990 wlis 20 seqtembers samxeret osetma damoukidebeli respublika gamoacxada sabwota kavsiris farglebsi. damoukidebeli saqartvelos pirvelma prezidentma zviad gamsaxurdiam 1990 wlis 10 dekembers saertod gaauqma samxret osetis avtonomiuri statusi., rasac Sedegad mohyva situaciis gamwvaveba da Setakebebi 1991 wlis ganmavlobasi Si moxerxda cecxlis Sewyvetis xelsekrulebis dadeba. samsvidobo misia Camoyalibda, da 1992 wlis 6 noembers, eutos misia daarsda, am samsvidobo operaciis monitoringistvis wlis agvistosi, cxinvalis regionsi provokaciebis Sedegad daiwyo omi, romlis mxared da saqartvelos teritoriis okupantadac gamocxadda rusetis federacia, am omis Semdgom, rusetis federaciam ariara afxazetisa da osetis damoukidebloba, 2008 wlis seqtembersi, es regionebi ariara nikaraguam. 10 saqartvelom afxazeti da oseti okupirebul teritoriebad gamoacxada. President of the Security Council, Annex I, U.N. Doc. S/1994/583 (May 17, 1994); S.C. Res. 934, U.N. Doc. S/RES/934 (June 30, 1994). 7 gaeros usisroebis sabwos rezolucia # 858 (1993) mirebuli 3268-e sxdomaze, 24 agvisto Конституция республики абхазия принята на сессии верховного совета республики абхазия 12-го созыва 26 ноября 1994 г., одобрена всенародным голосованием 3 октября 1999 г. С изменением, принятым на всенародном голосовании (референдуме) 3 октября 1999 г. ( ) 9 Georgia: Avoiding War in South Ossetia, International Crisis Group, 26 November 2004, ICG Europe Report 159, retrieved on retreved at

8 CSL JOURNAL OF LEGAL DEVELOPMENT 2. TviTgamorkvevis ufleba gamomdinare iqedan, rom orive separatistuli regioni, aw ukve calmxrivad ariarebuli respublikebi, TavianTi damoukideblobis gancxadebis mtavar argumentad TviTgamorkvevis princips iyeneben, aucilebelia am principis ganxilva TemisaTvis sawiro yvela konteqstsi pirveli precedenti TviTgamorkvevis principze dayrdnobit gamoyofis motxovnisa, iyo aalandis kunzulebis saqme 1921 wels, sadac, erta ligis sabwom kategoriuli uari ganacxada saxelmwifo suverenitetis SebRalvaze da gamoyofis uflebis raimenair arsebobaze saertasoriso samartalsi. 11 Tumca mas Semdeg situacia Seicvala, da dres, saxelmwifo suverenitetis principidan gamonaklisad TviTgamorkvevis uflebas miicneven, Tumca, wesidan mxolod iseti gamonaklisia dasasvebi, sanam wesi Tavis funqcias inarcunebs ra aris TviTgamorkvevis ufleba?! - samartlebrivi safuzvlebi G gaeros wesdebis 1(2) da 55-e muxlebsi askaradaa mititebuli, xolo 73-e da 76(b) muxlebsi igulisxmeba xalxta Tanaswori uflebebisa da TviTgamorkvevis principi. 13 TviTgamorkvevis uflebis samartlebrivi safuzveli swored am muxlebidan momdinareobs. arsanisnavia aseve gaeros generaluri asambleis mier 1966 wlis dekembersi mirebuli ori saertasoriso paqti, samoqalaqo da politikuri uflebebis Sesaxeb da socialuri, ekonomikuri da kulturuli uflebebis Sesaxeb, romlebic ZalaSi 1976 wlis martsi Sevida. orive paqtis pirveli muxli identuria da acxadebs, rom yvela xalxs aqvs TviTgamorkvevis ufleba. Aam uflebis ZaliT isini Tavisuflad adgenen sakutar politikur statuss da Tavisuflad uzrunvelyofen ekonomikur, socialur da kulturul 11 decision of the council of the league of nations on the åland islands including sweden s protest 1921 available at 28 february, Recent Development: The Exceptions That Disprove the Rule? The Impact of Abkhazia and South Ossetia on Exceptions to the Sovereignty Principle. By Gregory Dubinsky ; Winter, 2009; 34 Yale J. Int'l L Ppiter malancuki, akehsrstis Tanamedrove saertasoriso samartali; diogene 2005; gv357 8

9 ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება ganvitarebas [...] paqtis yvela monawile saxelmwifom xeli unda Seuwyon TviTgamorkvevis uflebis realizacias 14. Ggaeros generalurma asambleam 1960 wels miirokkoloniuri saxelmwifoebisa da xalxebisatvis damoukideblobis miniwebis Sesaxeb deklaracia, romlis meore muxlis mixedvitac yvela xalxs aqvs TviTgamorkvevis ufleba, romlis ZaliTac isini Tavisuflad ganaszrvraven TavanT politikur statuss da Tavsuflad axorcieleben TavianT ekomikur, socialur da kulturul ganvitarebas. 15 aseve mnisvnelovani dokumentia 1970 wlis deklaracia megobruli urtiertobebis Sesaxeb, romelic itvaliswinebs, rom xalxta Tanasworobisa da TviTgamorkvevis principi moicavs yvela xalxis uflebas garedan Carevis garese Tavisuflad gansazrvros Tavisi politikuri statusi da irvwodes ekonomikuri, socialuri da kulturuli ganvitarebisatvis., agretve, yoveli saxelmwifos valdebulebaa pativi miagos am uflebas wesdebis Sesabamisad. 16 diskriminaciis prevenciisa da umciresobata dacvis qve-komitetis specialurma momxseneblma, Tavis kvlevasi miutita, rom veravin daayenebs ewvqves faqts, rom Tanamedrove saertasoriso situaciis pirobebsi, TviTgamorkvevis principi jus cogens normad iqca. 17 gaeros saertasoriso sasamartlom (ICJ) armosavlet timoris saqmesi (potugalia avstraliis winaarmdeg), 1995 wels ganacxada, rom xalxta TviTgamorkvevis ufleba iyo ZiriTadi principi Tanamedrove saertasoriso samartlisa da erga omnes valdebuleba. 18 saertasoriso samartlis komisiis (ILC) mier SemuSavebuli saxelmwifo pasuxismgeblobis Sesaxeb muxlebis me-19 muxlis mixedvit, saertasoriso 14 Peter Radan, The break-up of Yugoslavia and internatonal law; p General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV)of December , Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Para Ppiter malancuki, akehsrstis Tanamedrove saertasoriso samartali; diogene 2005; gv Peter Radan, The break-up of Yugoslavia and internatonal law; p 9 18 Peter Radan, The break-up of Yugoslavia and internatonal law; p 9 9

10 CSL JOURNAL OF LEGAL DEVELOPMENT danasaulia TviTgamorkvevis uflebis dacvis saertasoriso valdebulebis darrveva, magalitad Zalis gamoyenebit koloniuri dominionis Seqmna. 19 yovelive zemottqmuli amtkicebs, rom TviTgamorkvevis ufleba saertasoriso samartlis ert-erti yvelaze uket kodificirebuli principia, magram sawiroa gavigot, Tu rogor ganmartavdnen am uflebas saertasoriso samartlis praqtikasi da mecnierta doqtrinalur namusevrebsi ras gulisxmobs TviTgamorkvevis ufleba?- mecnierta komentarebi rozalin higginsis azrit, ert-erti udidesi mitia, rom gaeros wesdebam uzrunvelyo da moitxovda TviTgamorkvevis uflebas ise, rogorc is ganvitarda. koncefcia ganvitarda wesdebisatvis sakmaod arasasurveli ganxrit, radgan wesdebis 1(2) da 55-e muxlebi gulisxmobda mxolod erti saxelmwifos xalxebis uflebas yofiliyvnen daculi meore saxelmwifos, an xelisuflebebis Carevisagan.[...] samartlebrivi ideebi vitardeba, da es kargia, magram es ar nisnavs, rom SeiZleba normasi vigulisxmot yvelaferi, rac mat, vinc am normas iyenebs surt 20 herst hanumis mosazrebis mixedvit, miuxedavad cxadad absoluturi formulirebisa gaeros reoluciebsi da saertasoriso paqtebsi, TviTgamorkvevis ufleba arasdros yofila absoluturi ufleba, romelsac gamoiyenebdnen miuxedavad dapirispirebuli uflebebisa Tu ganacxadebisa, absoluturi xasiati mas mxolod klasikuri kolonializmis SezRudul konteqstsi qonda. 21 rebeka uolisi xazs usvams faqts, rom gaeros generaluri asambleis mier mirebuli koloniuri saxelmwifoebisa da xalxebisatvis damoukideblobis miniwebis Sesaxeb deklaraciis meore muxlis mizani ganisazrvra dasavlet saharas da namibiis saqmeebsi, romlebic saertasoriso sasamartlom 70-ian wlebsi 19 ILC, Draft Articles in State Responsibility, art International human rights in context;law, politics, morals. Text and materials. Henry J. Steiner and Philip Alston, clarendon press, Oxford ;p International human rights in context;law, politics, morals. Text and materials. Henry J. Steiner and Philip Alston, clarendon press, Oxford ;p977 10

11 ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება ganixila 22, da romlebic TviTgmorkvevis uflebaze dayrdnobit gamoyofas exeboda, sadac itqva, rom TviTgamorkvevis uflebis gamoyeneba moitxovs Tavisufal da WeSmarit survils xalxisas, romelsac es ufleba unda Seexos. 23 es mosazrebebi adasturebs, rom TviTgamrkvevis uflebis Sinaarsi drota ganmavlobasi Seicvala da situaciastan ertad modifikacias ganicdis. TviTgamorkvevis ufleba TiTqos feniqss gavs, man sakutari Tavi ver amowura, da yoveli axali gamocenisas axali aspeqtit ipyrobs sazogadebis yuradrebas. savaraudod, TviTgamorkvevis uflebis es Tviseba gamomdinareobs im faqtidan, rom is warmoadgens ert-ert ZiriTad princips saertasoriso samartlisas, da aris rogorc CveulebiTi, aseve saxelsekrulebo samartlis imperatiuli norma. uket rom warmovacino azri, gavaketeb ert SesaZloa uxes analogias: saertasoriso samartalsi, Zalis gamoyenebis akrzalvisagan (gaeros wesdebis 2.4 muxli) ertaderti pirdapir kodificirebuli gamonaklisi Tavddacvis uflebaa. praqtikit dasturdeba, rom saxelmwifoebi cdiloben nebismieri Zalis gamoyeneba 51-e muxlze dayrdnobit, anu, garantirebuli absoluturi normit gaamartlon, ramac gamoiwvia mravali saxis Tavdacvis uflebis gacena. TviTgamorkvevis principtan dakavsirebitac msgavsi situaciaa. saertasoriso samartalsi, dresdreobit, ertaderti legitimuri gza axali saxelwifoebis warmosobisken modificirebul TviTgamorkvevis uflebaze gadis. magram vistvis? vin arian am uflebis SesaZlo subieqtebi? 2.3. aqvt Tu ara afxazebs da osebs TviTgamorkvevis ufleba, anu, termini xalxis ganmarteba TviTgamorkvevis uflebis konteqstsi jeims kroufordis mixedvit saertasoriso samartlis perspeqtivebidan gmomdinare, termin xalxta uflebebsi, gasarebi sityvaa xalxta da ara uflebebi. 24 gaeros wesdebis debulebebi ar ganmartaven Tu ras nisnavs xalxi da romel xalxs aqvs TviTgamorkvevis ufleba. saertasoriso paqtebic duman am sakitxis Sesaxeb. xalxta TviTgamorkvevis uflebaze saertasoriso 22 legal consequences for states of the continued presence of south africa in namibia (south-west africa) notwithstanding security council resolution 276 (1970)advisory opinion of 21 june 1971; western sahara international court of justice advisory opinion of 16 october International law, A Student Introduction, third edition by Rebecca M.M. Wallace.p The Rights of Peoples; edited by James Crawford; Clarendon Press, Oxford. P 55 11

12 CSL JOURNAL OF LEGAL DEVELOPMENT sasamartlos mier ganxilul saqmeebsi, mat Soris arc namibiis, arc dasavlet saharis da arc armosavlet timoris Sesaxeb saqmeebsi ara ganxiluli da Sesabamisad arc gansazrvruli termini xalxis mnisvneloba. aqedan gamomdinare, Znelia davaskvnat, SeiZleba Tu ara eri gamoyenebul iqnes xalxis mnisvnelobit TviTgamorkvevis konteqstsi. david makinsonis mosazrebis mixedvit, ertaderti gza, romlitac SeiZleba xalxis TviTneburi ganmartebebis Tavidan acileba, aris koncepciis normatiulad gamyareba.[...] xalxi aset SemTxvevaSi aucileblad ganimarteba, rogorc koleqtivi, romlis urtiertdakavsirebulobis da Taviseburebis xarisxi (damyarebuli warmomavlobis, enis, religiis, kulturis da sxva elementebze) sakmarisi iqneba rom daimsaxuros TviTgamorkvevis uflebis miniweba 25. gamomdinare ganmartebis ararsebobidan, cxadi xdeba rom am SemTxvevaSic, saertasoriso sazogadoebas eniweba ertgvari diskreciuli uflebamosileba, ariaros Tu ara garkveuli jgufi subieqtad TviTgamorkvevis uflebistvis. TviTgamorkvevis ufleba gamoiyeneba aratvitmmartveli teritoriebis, sameurveo teritoriebisa da samandato teritoriebis mimart. Gamoiyeneba Tu ara is sxva teritoriebis mimart, nateli ar aris. erti mxriv 1514 (XV) rezoluciis meore paragrafis Tanaxmad, yvela xalxs aqvs TviTgamorkvevis ufleba, meore mxriv, ki rezoluciis me-6 abzaci krzalavs gamoyofas.[...] praqtikasi gaero did yuradrebas ar utmobda TviTggamorkvevis uflebit sargeblobas[...] dasavleti xsirad brals sdebda gaeros ormagi standartebis gamoyenebasi, magram ormagi standartebi TviT gaeros wesdebasia Cadebuli. 26 rusetis federaciis prezidentma, afxazetisa da osetis ariarebis samartlebriv safuzvlebze saubrisas ganacxada rom msofliosi yvela ers SeiZleba ar qondes Tavisi saxelmwifoebrioba, da isini bednierad cxovroben sxva erebtan ertad erti saxelmwifos sazrvrebsi, magram rodesac romelime eri Tvlis, rom SeuZlebelia meorestan ertad ert saxelmwifosi cxovreba, mat SeuZliaT gamoiyenon TavianTi politikuri statusis Tavisuflad gansazrvris ufleba The Rights of Peoples; edited by James Crawford; Clarendon Press, Oxford. P Ppiter malancuki, akehsrstis Tanamedrove saertasoriso samartali; diogene 2005; gv Dmitry Medvedev, Why I Had to Recognise Georgia's Breakaway Regions, Fin. Times, Aug. 27, 2008, at 9 (Asia ed.). 12

13 ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება miuxedavad imisa, rom TviTgamorkvevis ufleba xalxebis uflebaa, medvedevis mier eris gamoyeneba iyo mimartuli afxazi da osi separatistuli mmartvelobebis TviTgamomrkvev subieqtebad damkvidrebisa. 28 miuxedavad amisa, saertasoriso sazogadoebas, ar uriarebia, rom afxazeti da oseti warmoadgens xalxs TviTgamorkvevis uflebis SinaarsisTvis, rac nisnavs imas, rom ar aris garkveuli, aqvt Tu ara mat TviTgamorkvevis ufleba. TuU davusvebt, rom makonsonis ganmartebasi jdeba orive eri, anu es ukanasknelni warmoadgenen TviTgamorkvevis uflebis mqone subieqtebs, mainc saewvoa, ramdenad qmeditia es ufleba saxelmwifodan gamoyofisas saertod, da am konkretul SemTxvevaSi. 3. TviTgamorkevis ufleba vs saxelmwifo suvereniteti da teritoriuli mtlianoba afxazeti da oseti saqartvelos konstituciis mixedvit saqartvelos teritoriaa. 29 saqartvelo aris gaeros wevri saxelmwifo, da gaeros wesdebidan gamomdinare, misi yvela wevri valdebuli pativi sces saqartvelos suverenitets da teritoriul mtlianobas. 30 Tu TviTgamorkvevis ufleba savaldebulod gulismobs arcevans erti mxriv damoukideblobasa da meore mxriv sxva xalxebtan ertobas (SesaZlo modelebis mravalferovnebit), TviTgamorkveva ver mieniweba Sida kolonizebul xalxs, sxva saertasoriso samartlis principis daurrvevlad, kerzod arsebuli saxelmwifo sazrvrebis Seuvalobis daurrvevlad 31 nacionaluri TviTgamorkvevis ufleba, sabolo analizsi, aris eris survilis gansazrvra da mimartulebis micema 32 magram, garda amisa, TviTgamorkvevis ufleba, rodesac TviTgamorkvevis uflebis ganxorcielebis metodebia suverenuli da damoukidebeli saxelmwifos Seqmna, sxva saxelmwifosi gaertianeba an integracia da xalxis mier mowonebuli sxva politikuri statusis mireba, aucileblad ewinaarmdegeba saxelmwifos 28 Recent Development: The Exceptions That Disprove the Rule? The Impact of Abkhazia and South Ossetia on Exceptions to the Sovereignty Principle. By Gregory Dubinsky ; Winter, 2009; 34 Yale J. Int'l L saqartvelos konstitucia, muxli 2, 30 UN Charter, art The Rights of Peoples; edited by James Crawford; Clarendon Press, Oxford. P Nationalism,by John Hutchinson and Antony D.Smith, oxford university press, p54 13

14 CSL JOURNAL OF LEGAL DEVELOPMENT suverenitets da teritoriul mtlianobas. saxelmwifoebi, romlebsac TviTgamorkvevis motxovnebtan Sejaxeba mouwiat, yvelanairad cdiloben, rom Tavi daizrvion, imit rom darwmundnen rom gamoyofa dausvebelia garkveuli normebis safuzvelze. 33 dresdreobit, UUNPO (warmomadgenlobis garese erebisa da xalxebis organizaca) 70 wevrisagan Sedgeba. TiToeuli am wevrtagani itxovs TviTgamorkvevis uflebaze dayrdnobit mati damoukideblobis ariarebas. es faqti pirvel rigsi gulisxmobs, rom daaxloebit amdenive qveynis suvereniteti da teritoriuli mtlianoba dgas kitxvis nisnis qves. aqvt Tu ara TviTgamorkvevis uflebis mqone erebs im teritoriis gamoyofis motxovnis ufleba sadac cxovroben? es sakitxi saertasoriso samartalsi Zalian did davas iwvevs. Sexeduleba, rom TviTgamomrkvev jgufs garkveulwilad miaqvs teritoria, romelic sxva, ufro did saxelmwifos ekutvnis saewvoa, imitom, rom saxelmwifo ar flobs teritorias, teritoria es aris is geografiuli areali, sadac am saxelmwifos iurisdiqcia vrceldeba da TviTmmarTveloba moqmedebs. 34 teritoriuli suvereniteti... saxelmwifos mier Tavisi saqmianobis ganxorcielebis gansakutrebul uflebas gulisxmobs. M uflebas Tan axlavs movaleobac, saxelmwifos ekisreba Tavis teritoriaxe sxva saxelmwifota uflebebis kerzod mati teritoriuli mtlianobis da ganuyoflobis, Aaseve ucxo teritoriaze myofi sakutari moqalaqis dacva, rogorc omis aseve msvidobis dros 35 teritoriuli suvereniteti aseve gulisxmobs teritoriul mtlianobis dacvasac. rodesac saxelmwifos teritoriaze pretenzias cxadebs TviTgamorkvevis uflebis mqone subieqti, saqme gvaqvs ukve gamoyofastan. 33 The Rights of Peoples; edited by James Crawford; Clarendon Press, Oxford. P The Ethics of Nationalism, MargareT Moore, oxford university press, p Ppiter malancuki, akehsrstis Tanamedrove saertasoriso samartali; diogene 2005; gv93 14

15 ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება 4. gamoyofa dresdreobit, msofliosi Ggamoyofis perspeqtiva, 90 wlebsi damkvidrebuli praqtikis mixedvit, pirdapir kavsirsia TviTgamorkvevis uflebastan, romelic mecnierta erti jgufis mosazrebis Tanaxmad, mxolod da mxolod dekolonizacias unda momsaxureboda; mecnierebi ariareben, rom TviTgamorkvevis sayoveltao principis Tavdapirveli formulireba, gaertianebuli erebis organizaciis wesdebasi, da saertasoriso paqtebsi samoqalaqo da politikuri uflebebis Sesaxeb da socialuri, ekonomikuri da kulturuli uflebebis Sesaxeb Tavidanve Seicavda aset safrtxes. donald horovicis azrit, gamoyofa ar qmnis homogenur memkvidre saxelmwifos, rogorsac misi damcvelebi Tvlian rom Seiqmneba. secesia ar amcirebs konfliqtis, Zaladobis, an umciresobata Cagvris Sanss. umciresobata dacvis garantiebi iluziebs ufro gavs am SemTxvevaSi, da saertod arsebobac ki, gamoyofis uflebis ewinaarmdegeba yvela Zalisxmevas msvidobianad ert saxelmwifosi cxovrebis gamoyofis uflebis motxovnis argumentebi TviTgamorkvevis uflebaze dayrdnobit axali saxelmwifos warmosoba ert-erti yvelaze cvalebadi sakitxia, da TiToeul saqmesi mas uamrav sxvadasxva faqtorta ertoblioba gansazrvravs. mat Soris ZiriTadi faqtorebia destabilizaciis xarisxi, rasac msgavsi damoukideblobis motxovna iwvevs da xelisuflebis warmomadgenlobis xarisxi. 37 faqti rom destabilizaciis xarisxi Zalian maralia orive regionis SemTxvevaSi, ewvs ar iwvevs da istoriuli realobitac araertxel damtkicda bolo 20 wleulis ganmavlobasi. rac Seexeba mtavrobebis legitimaciis, da warmomadgenlobis xarisxs, unda arinisnos, rom afxazetsi, es xarisxi obieqturad Zalian dabalia. unda gavitvaliswinoty, rom wlebsi, afxazetsi mimdinare pasportizaciis pirobebsi rusul- afxazuri monacemebit, Secession and Self- determination, edited by Stephen Macedo and Allen Buchanan nomos XLV, p Frederic L. Kirgis, Jr. THE DEGREES OF SELF-DETERMINATION IN THE UNITED NATIONS ERA Copyright (c) 1994 The American Society of International Law American Journal of International Law April, A.J.I.L

16 CSL JOURNAL OF LEGAL DEVELOPMENT atasi amomrcevelia, rac bolo, 2007 wlis saparlamento arcevnebis drosac dadasturda. (gaurkvevelia, rogor dafiqsirda 1999 wels 2007 weltan SedarebiT amomrcevelta orjer meti raodenoba). aqve unda arinisnos, rom 1996 wlis 23 noembers saqartvelos mtel teritoriaze Catarda plebisciti kitxvaze mxars uwert Tu ara afxazetis avtonomiur respublikasi separatistuli rejimis mier danisnuli saparlamento arcevnebis Catarebas saqartvelos teritoriuli mtlianobis ardgenamde da afxazetsi devnilta da ltolvilta dabrunebamde. plebiscitsi monawileoba miiro da winaarmdeg xma misca devnilma amomrcevelma. faqtobrivad, am aqtit samartlebrivad gabatilda afxazetis konstitucia, romelic separatistebma afxazetis mosaxleobis umaravlesobis nebis garese miires, 38 es cxads xdis, rom mtavroba veranairad ver iqneba verc legitimuri, da warmomadgenlobis xarisxic sakmaod dabalia. gamoyofis momxre mecnierta nasromebsi aramartlsawinaarmdego gamoyofis Teoriebis ZiriTadad ori jgufia warmodgenili: Tavisufali arcevanis Teoriaze dayrdnobili da nacionaluri TviTgamorkvevis uflebaze dayrdnobili argumentebi. pirveli matgani ganavitares kristofer velmanma, hari beranma da daniel filipom. tipiurad, es argumentebi gulisxmobs garkveul teritoriaze mcxovrebi xalxis umravlesobis gamoxatul survils referendumsa an plebiscitsi, da ar emyareba faqts, rom es xalxi aris msxverpli usamartlobis e.w. deda saxelmwifos iurisdiqciis qves. 39 Eam arguments amyareben politikuri asociaciis Tavisuflebis uflebit da arcevanis Tavisuflebis uflebit, TviTamorkvevis principis moxseniebastan ertad. am argumentze damyarebuli gamoyofa xdeba damoukideblobis calmxrivi gamocxadebit, romelic, Cveulebriv, deklaraciuli formisaa, da ar aris TviT- arsrulebadi aqti, saxelmwifos damoukidebloba TandaTan, efeqturi kontrolis damyarebit da sxva qveynebis mier ariarebit xdeba. umetesi cda calmxrivad damoukideblobis ariarebisa fiaskoti 38 აფხაზეთის პრობლემა ახალი საერთაშორისო რეალობების ფონზე, ზურაბ ჯგუბურია, The Ethics of Nationalism, MargareT Moore, oxford university press, p

17 ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება mtavrdeba, da matac, vinc warmatebit asrulebs am process, dro WirdebaT. 40 kosovos magaliti, am SemTxvevaSi, yvelaze morgebulad unda CaiTvalos. kosovosagan gansxvavebit, afxazetis situaciasi, rogorc zemot arinisna, Catarebuli referendumi praqtiulad SeiZleba gabatildes, devnili mosaxleobis ricxvis TiTqmis 2 jer metobis gamo, romlebsac am referendumsi monawileoba ar miuriat. rac Seexeba osetis sakitxs, xelisuflebis warmomadgenlobis sakitxi aq SedarebiT kompleqsuria, radgan am teritoriaze, etnikuri osebi mosaxleobis daaxloebit 65% warmoadgendnen. garda amisa, osets praqtikulad ori prezidenti yavs, romelta legitimaciis xarsxebic ertmanets kvetda, magram 2007 wels evrokavsiris damkvirvebelta misiam ganacxada, rom arc erti prezidents ar Tvlida legitimurad, da acxadebda, rom arc ert xelisuflebas ar hqonda legitimaciis sakmarisi xarisxi samxret osetsi. nacionaluri TviTgamorkvevis uflebis argumenti emyareba moralur Rirebulebas, rom ariarebul iqnes nacionaluri identuroba garkveuli jgufis, nacinaluri jgufebi romlebic iswrafvian gaxdnen TviTmmarTvelebi, unda axorcielebdnen gakrveul iurisdiqcias, an unda hqondet am iurisdiciis ganxorcielebis ufleba im teritoriaze, romelic mat ukaviat. es argumentebi, moicavs ZiriTadSi ramodenime specialur ganacxads sxvadasxva SemTxvevebSi. pirveli es aris kulturuli upiratesoba, meore, aborgenoba da mesame istoriuli ufleba teritoriaze. samive es qveargumenti gulisxmobs faqts, rom es eri, aris usamartlo mdgomareobasi Cayenebuli im saxelmwifs mier, romlisganac igi itxovs gamoyofis uflebas. istoriulad, orive regioni xasiatdeba qartuli kulturuli upiratesobit, arc erti etnosi, qartvelebis garda, ar aris aborigeni am teritoriaze, da arc ert ers ar aqvs saqartveloze upiratesi istoriuli ufleba am teritoriaze. rac Seexeba Cagvrasa da politikuri 40 James Crawford, State Practice and International Law in Relation to Unilateral Secession Report to Government of Canada concerning unilateral secession by Quebec 17

18 CSL JOURNAL OF LEGAL DEVELOPMENT uflebebis CamorTmevas, ar arsebobs faqti romelic qartvelebis mxridan etnikuri umciresoba afxazebis diskreditacias daadasturebda gamoyofis uaryofis samartlebrivi safuzveli da argumentebi gamoyofis ufleba saertasoriso samartalsi ar arsebobs, nebismieri gamoyofa akrzalulia rezoluciebit, da saxelmwifoebi, praqtikasi, gamoyofis uflebis uaryofisas yoveltvis rezoluciebs iyeneben. Aarsebobs mosazreba, rom uketesi iqneboda, paqtebze dayrdnobit ertxel da samudamod ganmartebuliyo termini xalxi da sxva bundovani aspeqtebi TviTgamorkvevis uflebis, rogoricaa magalitad Tu ra valdebulebebs warmosobs kerzod es ufleba. 41 koloniebisatvis damoukideblobis miniwebis rezoluciasi, me-6 paragrafsi natqvamia, rom nebismieri cda, mimartuli qveynis erovnuli ertianobis an teritoriuli mtlianobis nawilobrivi an mtliani dangrevisken Seusabamoa gaeros miznebtan da wesdebis ZiriTad principebtan. megobruli urtiertobis Sesaxeb 1970 wlis deklaraciac exeba gamoyofis akrzalvas, ambobs ra, rom araferi mocemul deklaraciasi ar SeiZleba gamoyenebul iqnas qveynis teritoriuli mtlianobis winaarmdeg mimartuli danasaulis gasamartlebel argumentad. gamoyofa, Tavis TavSi gulisxmobs regionaluri konfliqtis gasaertasrisoebis Ria da realur sasisroebas. erti SexedviT, TiTqos gamoyofit unda mtavrdebodes problemebi, magram es ufro met problemas warmosobs. saertasoriso samartali yoveltvis ufro did mnisvnelobas saxelmwifos teritoriuli mtlianobis princips aniwebda, da aqedan gamomdinare, mtavrobebs yoveltvis hqondat ufleba SewinaaRmdegebodnen calmxrivi gamoyofis mcdelobebs samartlebrivi gzebit. 42 gamoyofis uflebis dakanoneba gulisxmobs federalizmis absolutur uaryofas, da gulisxmobs saxelmwifoebs Soris interetnikuri akomodaciistvis Ziris 41 The Rights of Peoples; edited by James Crawford; Clarendon Press, Oxford. P James Crawford, State Practice and International Law in Relation to Unilateral Secession Report to Government of Canada concerning unilateral secession by Quebec 18

19 ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება gamotxras. 43 aseve, gaeros miznebis, kerzod mtavari miznis-msvidobis SenarCunebisTvis safrtxes, aseve SesaZloa humanitarul katastrofamde misvlac. saertasoriso samartali yoveltvis mzadaa miiros da ariaros politikuri realobebi, roca damoukidebloba gamoyofili gaertianebisa ukve gamyarebulia da teritoriis efeqturi kontrolic saxezea. 44 daniel trurerma, Tavis e.w addendum-si saertasoriso sajaro samartlis enciklopediasi, TviTgamorkvevisuflebasTan dakavsirebit dawera, rom gamoyofis uflebis formalurad ariarebis nacvlad, saertasoriso sazogadoeba TiTqos yvela am process xedavs rogorc ZalTa balansis gadanacvlebas erti polusidan meoreze, rac formaluri regulirebis farglebs mirma xdeba: saertasoriso samartali, Sedegad relevanturi mxolod saxelmwifod ariarebis Semdegaa. 45 miuxedavad amisa, saertasoriso samartali ar ariarebs gamoyofis aranair SesaZleblobas samartlebrivad gamartlebulad. jeims qroufordi Tavis mimartvasi kanadis xelisuflebisadmi kvebekis sakitxtan dakavsirebit, wers, rom saertasriso samartali kolonializmis konteqstis garese arnair gamoyofis uflebas TviTgamorkvevaze dayrdnobit ar cnobs, da aqedan gamomdinare, ertaderti gza, romlitac gaertianebas SeuZlia gamoeyos saxelmwifos aris tradiciuli gagebit TavisuflebisTvis omis mogeba, rogorc es gaaketa bangladesma indoetis daxmarebit, da rasac axla cdilobs CeCneTi. alternatiuli gza mxolod molaparakebit Tavisuflebis mopovebasia-tu centraluri xelisufleba datanxmdeba amgvar molaparakebebsi CarTvas, rasac, Tavis mxriv saertasoriso samartali saxelmwifosgan ar itxovs. 46 am yvelafridan gamomdinare, ar SeiZleba afxazeti da oseti, romlebic saqartvelos 43 Secession and Self- determination, edited by Stephen Macedo and Allen Buchanan nomos XLV, p James Crawford, State Practice and International Law in Relation to Unilateral Secession Report to Government of Canada concerning unilateral secession by Quebec James Crawford, State Practice and International Law in Relation to Unilateral Secession Report to Government of Canada concerning unilateral secession by Quebec 19

20 CSL JOURNAL OF LEGAL DEVELOPMENT teritoriaa saqartvelos konstituciit, da saertasorisod ariarebuli sazrvrebis mixedvit, gamoeyon saqartvelos TviTgamorkvevis uflebis safuzvelze. daskvna sasamartlo praqtika TviTgamorkvevis principtan dakavsirebit SedarebiT isviatia 47. saertasoriso sasamartlom, armosavlet timors, 1995 wels Tavisi gadawyvetilebit TiTgamorkvevis uflebaze dayrdnobit damoukidebeli TviTmmarTvdeli erteulis statusi mianiwa 48. ufro gviandelia namibiis, 49 da dasavlet saharas saqmeebi 50, sadac sasamartlom aseve ganacxada, rom TviTgamorkvevis principidan gamomdinare,am ASemTxvevebSi gamoyofa gamartlebuli iyo. es saqmeebi, TavianTi faqtobrivi SemadgenlobiT ar SeiZleba gaigivebul iqnes afxazetisa da osetis sakitxebtan. sasamartlo amjamad ganixilavs kosovos gamoyofastan dakavsirebul sakitxs. aseve ganixilavs saqartvelos sarcels rusetis federaciis winarmdeg. im fonze, roca saxelmwifoebis gamoyofis statistika TviTgamorkvevis principze dayrdnobit Semdegia: 1965 wels singapuri gamovida malaiziis federaciis Semadgenlobidan; 1971 w. pakistans gamoeyo bangladesis saxalxo respublika; 1980 w. zimbabves gamoeyo zambia; 1990 w. samxret afrikis republikis Semadgenlobidan gamovida namibia; 1994 wels etiopias gamoeyo eritria; 2008 w. serbetis Semadgenlobidan gamovida kosovo 51 TiTqos afxazetisa da samxret osetis samartlebrivi perspeqtivebi sakmaod SemaSfoTebeli unda Candes, magram rogorc zemo analizma gvacvena, TviTgamorkvevis ufleba, am regionebs gamoyofis uflebas ar warmosobs, Tumca, isic unda arinisnos saertasoriso samartali ar ariarebs gamoyofis uflebas, magram ariarebs Seqmnil politikur realobebs. es sakitxi ki gulisxmobs pirvel rigsi separatizmis politikur mxardaweras, rac jerjerobit mxolod 47 malcolm n. Shaw, international law;fifth edition; cambridge university press 2003; p international court of justicecase concerning east timor (portugal v. Australia) general list no. 84 international court of justice 30 june legal consequences for states of the continued presence of south africa in namibia (south-west africa) notwithstanding security council resolution 276 (1970) icj advisory opinion of 21 june Western Sahara international court of justice advisory opinion of 16 october a. oraxelasvili, afxazetis konfliqti kosovos konfliqtis fonze, Tb

21 ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება rusetita da nikaraguit Semoifargla, Tumca riski arsebobs, da cxadia, aucilebelia moxdes samartlebrivi kutxit swori interpretacia sakitxebisa. aseve aucilebelia, rom saertasoriso samartalma moaxerxos, rom politikuri realobebis ubralod mirebis nacvlad, Tavad daareguliros msgavsi procesebi. 21

22 CSL JOURNAL OF LEGAL DEVELOPMENT wignebi bibliografia 1. M. N. Shaw, international law;fifth edition; cambridge university press 2003; 2. Secession and Self- determination, edited by Stephen Macedo and Allen Buchanan nomos XLV 3. The Ethics of Nationalism, MargareT Moore, oxford university press 4. Nationalism,by John Hutchinson and Antony D.Smith, oxford university press 5. The Rights of Peoples; edited by James Crawford; Clarendon Press, Oxford 6. International law, A Student Introduction, third edition by Rebecca M.M. Wallace International human rights in context;law, politics, morals. Text and materials. Henry J. Steiner and Philip Alston, clarendon press, Oxford 7. Peter Radan, The break-up of Yugoslavia and internatonal law; 8. piter malancuki, akehsrstis Tanamedrove saertasoriso samartali; diogene 2005; 9. saqartvelo da saertasoriso smartali, statiata krebuli, Tb statiebi 1. saqartvelo da saertasoriso samartali, statiata krebuli, levan mataraze Tanasworuflebianobisa da TviTgamorkvevis uflebis Sesaxeb 2. Recent Development: The Exceptions That Disprove the Rule? The Impact of Abkhazia and South Ossetia on Exceptions to the Sovereignty Principle. By Gregory Dubinsky ; Winter, 2009; 34 Yale J. Int'l L National Self-determination Adam Roberts, Balliol; 4. a. OoraxelaSvili, afxazetis konfliqti kosovos konfliqtis fonze, Tb აფხაზეთის პრობლემა ახალი საერთაშორისო რეალობების ფონზე, ზურაბ ჯგუბურია,

23 ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება 6. Frederic L. Kirgis, Jr. THE DEGREES OF SELF-DETERMINATION IN THE UNITED NATIONS ERA Copyright (c) 1994 The American Society of International Law American Journal of International Law April, A.J.I.L Recent Development: The Exceptions That Disprove the Rule? The Impact of Abkhazia and South Ossetia on Exceptions to the Sovereignty Principle. By Gregory Dubinsky ; Winter, 2009; 34 Yale J. Int'l L. 241 dokumentebi 1. saqartvelos konstitucia 2. UN Charter 3. General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV)of December , Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. 4. ILC, Draft Articles in State Responsibility 5. КОНСТИТУЦИЯ РЕСПУБЛИКИ АБХАЗИЯ ПРИНЯТА НА СЕССИИ ВЕРХОВНОГО СОВЕТА РЕСПУБЛИКИ АБХАЗИЯ 12-ГО СОЗЫВА 26 НОЯБРЯ 1994 Г., ОДОБРЕНА ВСЕНАРОДНЫМ ГОЛОСОВАНИЕМ 3 ОКТЯБРЯ 1999 Г. С ИЗМЕНЕНИЕМ, ПРИНЯТЫМ НА ВСЕНАРОДНОМ ГОЛОСОВАНИИ (РЕФЕРЕНДУМЕ) 3 ОКТЯБРЯ 1999 Г. ( ) 6. Agreement on a Cease-Fire and Separation of Forces, Geor.-Abkhazia, May 14, 1994, reprinted in U.N. SCOR, Letter Dated 17 May 1994 from the Permanent Representative of Georgia to the United Nations Addressed to the President of the Security Council, Annex I, U.N. Doc. S/1994/583 (May 17, 1994); S.C. Res. 934, U.N. Doc. S/RES/934 (June 30, 1994). 7. gaeros usisroebis sabwos rezolucia # 858 (1993) mirebuli 3268-e sxdomaze, 24 agvisto

24 CSL JOURNAL OF LEGAL DEVELOPMENT sasamartlo gadawyvetilebebi 1. International Court of Justice case concerning East Timor (portugal v. Australia) general list no. 84 international court of justice 30 june Western Sahara international court of justice advisory opinion of 16 october legal consequences for states of the continued presence of south africa in namibia (south-west africa) notwithstanding security council resolution 276 (1970)advisory opinion of 21 june 1971; 4. decision of the council of the league of nations on the åland islands including sweden s protest 1921 available at 28 february, 2009 interneti retreved at sxva 1. James Crawford, State Practice and International Law in Relation to Unilateral Secession Report to Government of Canada concerning unilateral secession by Quebec 2. Georgia: Avoiding War in South Ossetia, International Crisis Group, 26 November 2004, ICG Europe Report 159, retrieved on Dmitry Medvedev, Why I Had to Recognise Georgia's Breakaway Regions, Fin. Times, Aug. 27, 2008, at 9 (Asia ed.). 24

25 ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება The self-determination principle and legal prospects of Abkhazia and South Ossetia Author: Ana Kostava Introduction The principle of self-determination is one of the universally recognized principles of international law, envisaged in most of basic international treaties and a jus cogens norm, which was acknowledged after the world war II. By the virtue of this principle, during the so called decolonisation process, from 1945 to 1965, 56 new sovereign states were formed 1. After the termination of decolonisation, the self-determination principle has become the main argument for the separatist movements, including Abkhazian and Ossetian separatists, as there exists the idea, that the modern interpretation of self determination principle serves as the justification of secession. The Russian federation, when recognizing these regions in august 2008, based the legal grounds fort such recognition on the self-determination principle. 2 In 1918 the Secretary of State of the USA, Robert Lansing refering the emerging right of selfdetermination, remarked that the concept was loaded with dynamite, and that it will raise hopes which can never be realized.. 3 Hence uni-national states are rare in modern reality, and in virtually every state there are national or ethnic minorities or indigenous people, the tension between the state sovereignty principle and the right to self-determination reached critical boundaries. The plethora of armed conflicts exposed that the main questions linked with the selfdetermination principle are not suitably analyzed and detemined in international law. 4 The main 1 Georgia and International law, collected articles, Tbilisi, 2002 levan Mataradze, about the quality and self determination p.20 2 Recent Development: The Exceptions That Disprove the Rule? The Impact of Abkhazia and South Ossetia on Exceptions to the Sovereignty Principle. By Gregory Dubinsky ; Winter, 2009; 34 Yale J. Int'l L National Self-determination Adam Roberts, Balliol; 4 Georgia and International law, collected articles, Tbilisi, 2002, levan Mataradze, about the quality and self determination p.10 25

26 CSL JOURNAL OF LEGAL DEVELOPMENT objective of the following topic is to discuss the universal right of self-determination in international law generally and in the aspect of the possibility of this right being legal argument and prospect fot Abkhazia and South Ossetia. For these reasons, the controversion between self determination principle and state sovereignty are discussed and exposed why the self determination does not imply secession in general and in why self determination cannot be used as a legal argument by Abkhazian and South Ossetian separatists in particular. 1. Brief historical review 1.1. Abkhazia On 31st march of 1991, based on the outcome of universal and free referendum, independent and democratic republic of Georgia was declared. The declaration of independence and cleavage with Russia, contributed to stirring up of separatist movements. On 23th july 1992, the Abkhazian supreme council sitting reestablished the constitution of 1925 and declared independent republic of Abkhazia. On 14th august of 1992, resulting from futile diplomatic negotiations, the decision to forcibly settle the dispute was adopted. Nominally, to protect the security of main transport line, georgian armed forces entered Abkhazia. The entire Trans- Caucasian confederation (chechens, kozaks, armenians, kabardo-balkarians, ossetians) intervened in this war to assist Abkhazian side. Abkhazians received Financial, technical and informative assistance from Russia. On the 27th september of 1993, aggressors captured Sokhumi, georgians defeated, and as a result, whole Abkhazia was lost. 5 According to ceasefire agreement, the composition of peacekeeping personnel in the region consisted mostly of CIS, especially Russian contigent. 6 According to UN Security Council resolution 858 (1993), United Nations observer mission was formed, so called UNOMIG which was instructed to monitor the 5 Georgia and International law, collected articles, Tbilisi, Agreement on a Cease-Fire and Separation of Forces, Geor.-Abkhazia, May 14, 1994, reprinted in U.N. SCOR, Letter Dated 17 May 1994 from the Permanent Representative of Georgia to the United Nations Addressed to the President of the Security Council, Annex I, U.N. Doc. S/1994/583 (May 17, 1994); S.C. Res. 934, U.N. Doc. S/RES/934 (June 30, 1994). 26

27 ჟურნალი სამართლებრივი განვითარება execution of the ceasefire agreement in In 1994 the Abkhazian supreme council adopted constitution, by which on the basis of the self-determination, Abkhazia was declared to be independent republic South Ossetia As for the Ckhinvali region, South Ossetian autonomous district filed the request of the status of autonomous republic to georgian soviet republic supreme council in 10th november With the rejection of the request, the supreme council adopted the law interdicting the formation of regional parties. This was apprehended as the action against the south Ossetian populist party and on the 20th september of 1990, the south Ossetia declared independent republic whithin the boundaries of the Soviet Union. on the 10th december 1990, first president of independent Georgia, Mr Zviad Gamsakhurdia wholly abolished the autonomous status of South ossetia, which was followed by the aggravation of situation and clashes during the In 1992, the ceasefire agreement was finally reached, the peacekeeping mission was formed and also OSCE monitoring mission was set up, for the surveillance of this peacekeeping operation. 9 In August 2008, resulting from the provocations in Ckhinvali region,, armed conflict began between Georgia on one side, and Russia together with Ossetians and Abkhazians on the other. Russian federation was declared as occupant of Georgian territory. After this war, Russian President Medvedev signed Decrees recognizing the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In September 2008, the independence of these regions was recognized by Nicaragua. 10 Georgia adopted the law declaring Abkhazia and South Ossetia as occupied territories. 2. The right of self determination 7 UN GA Resolution # 858 (1993) 3268-meeting, 24 august Конституция республики абхазия принята на сессии верховного совета республики абхазия 12-го созыва 26 ноября 1994 г., одобрена всенародным голосованием 3 октября 1999 г. С изменением, принятым на всенародном голосовании (референдуме) 3 октября 1999 г. ( ) 9 Georgia: Avoiding War in South Ossetia, International Crisis Group, 26 November 2004, ICG Europe Report 159, retrieved on retreved at

28 CSL JOURNAL OF LEGAL DEVELOPMENT Acknowledging, that both separatist regions, now already partially recognized republics, place the main argument for their declaration of independence in self-determination principle, thus the essential issue - the right of peoples to self determination Shall be discussed in every necessary context. The first precedent to request right to secession on the basis of the self-determination principle occurred in Aaland islands case in 1921, were council of league of nations categorically denied any infringement to state sovereignty and rejected the idea of existence in any form of the right to secede in international law. 11 Though the situation has changed greatly afterwards, and nowadays, some scholars and politics, together with separatist movements, citing the international practice, stipulate the self determination to be the exception of the state sovereignty principle, but the rule can have only as many exceptions until that is no rule at all What is the right of self determination legal basis GThe articles 1(2) and 55 of UN Charter explicitly include, and articles 73 and 76 (2) imply the the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples. 13 These are the articles which form the lagal foundation of self-determination in international law. The two international covenants, ICCPR and ICSECR adopted in 1966 by general assembly should also be taken into consideration. They went into force in march Both covenants have identical first articles, which state that All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development... The States Parties to the present Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall promote the 11 decision of the council of the league of nations on the åland islands including sweden s protest 1921 available at 28 february, Recent Development: The Exceptions That Disprove the Rule? The Impact of Abkhazia and South Ossetia on Exceptions to the Sovereignty Principle. By Gregory Dubinsky ; Winter, 2009; 34 Yale J. Int'l L P. Malanchuck, contemporary international law of Akehurst Diogene2005; p357 28

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